Created in collaboration with the Direction des Études, the Ateliers for Research and Creation (ARC) are the CRC's pedagogical arm, forming part of the student curriculum. Each of the CRC's ARC focuses on a specific theme, in keeping with the CRC's overall research and creation axis. At the ARC we find research and creation Directors, workshop animators, speakers, and students.

Research and Creation Directors guide registered students in carrying out research and creative projects. ARC welcome guest lecturers and guest professionals to lead a workshop for a specific period during the semester.

Each ARC represents the equivalent of 4 credits in the LMD system at ALBA. These credits are acquired at the end of each semester spent at the CRC, in accordance with current credit requirements.


Who is involved in the ARCs?
·         Research and Creation Directors : (They hold a PhD). A list of Research and Creation Directors is made available to the public and will be regularly updated. Research and Creation Directors conceive the content of their ARC and prepare a research and creation form. Research and Creation Directors propose the names of speakers for their ARC.
·         Speakers: (They are not necessarily PhD holders). They give lectures as part of the ARCs, focusing on the overall theme of the CRC and the specific ARC. They can be ALBA teachers or external lecturers. The multiple lectures given within the ARCs constitute a lecture series open to all participants in the ARCs.
·         Contributors: (They are not necessarily PhD holders). They are invited to the ARCs to lead a project (workshop) during a specific period in the semester. They can be ALBA teachers or external contributors.
·         Students: These are students from the schools of ALBA enrolled in an ARCs.


Functioning of the ARC for ALBA Students:
Master's students (M1) can enroll in one of the ARC (Ateliers for Research and Creation) of the CRC.

  • Step 1: Administrative registration. Administrative registration is done at the ALBA's secretariat during the indicated schedules.
  • Step 2: Research and/or creation. Once enrolled, the student benefits from the technical facilities and theoretical and practical supervision provided by the CRC for a renewable semester. During this semester, the student establishes contact with his/her research and creation Director for guidance within the ARC. Throughout the semester, each student receives various forms of support, including:
    • Personalized follow-up with the research and creation Director of the ARC.
    • Meetings conducted by Lebanese and/or foreign experts.
    • Lecture series.
  • Step 3: Project presentation for the jury. In order to validate the credits, the student must fulfill the following conditions: attend the chosen ARC regularly and obtain validation from the jury regarding the required work throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, with the approval of the research and creation Director, the student presents his/her research and creations to the CRC jury. The student submit a detailed report to the jury members for review prior to the defense/presentation. Following this defense/presentation, the jury will decide whether or not to grant their official approval, which is necessary for credit validation and the issuance of an attestation.


Learning outcomes:
  • Identify the main concepts and theories related to the discussed topic.
  • Critically interpret relevant works and documents.
  • Evaluate different perspectives and approaches related to the research field.
  • Analyze complex issues related to the subject.
  • Solve practical problems by applying knowledge acquired during the ARC.
  • Design innovative and creative solutions by integrating acquired concepts.
  • Plan and organize projects using acquired skills.
  • Conduct practical work demonstrating mastery of acquired skills.
  • Produce high-quality reports or presentations using clear communication.
  • Apply acquired skills in professional contexts relevant to the research field.


The unit of measurement in the ARC is the semester. However, administrative re-enrollment is possible, following the ALBA's calendar. Within the semester, each ARC consists of 3 hours of face-to-face presence per week, totaling 30 hours.


Credits for the students:
Each Atelier for Research and Creation (ARC) at the CRC corresponds to 4 credits at ALBA within the LMD system. These credits are earned at the end of each semester spent at the CRC, in accordance with the credit acquisition requirements at ALBA.


Attestation of the CRC:
The student may request an attestation indicating the ARC followed, the duration of his/her participation, the approval of work, as well as the number of credits for the ARC.


(c) ALBA-UOB 2023-2024